[Video Information Processing Device Operating and management Policy]
Article 1 The grounds and purpose of installation of video information processing device
Article 2 Location, imaging scope and time, and the number of devices installed
Article 4 The storage period, storage place and processing method of video information
Article 5 Video information checking method and place
Article 6 Measures regarding the information subject’s request, such as viewing video information
Article 7 Administrative, technical, and physical measures to protect video information
Article 9 Change in video Information Processing Device Operating and management Policy
Article 1 (The grounds and purpose of installation of video information processing device)
Han & Park Law Group(Han & Park) install and operate video information processing device to for crime prevention, facility safety, and fire prevention based on the personal information protection law.
Article 2 (Location, imaging scope and time, and the number of device installed)
Installation location: Han & Park Law Group Seoul Office
Imaging scope and time: It operates for 24 hour per day, but it records only when it detects motion. It records the entire place of its installed location.
The number of installed device: 1
Article 3 (Administration Manager, the department in charge, and a person with an access right to video information)
Administration Manager and the department in charge: Lawyer Hayan Park
Person with an access right to video information: Lawyer Hayan Park
Article 4 (The storage period, storage place and processing method of video information)
Processing methods: Han & Park records and manages matters concerning whether the video information is used beyond its purpose, whether it is provided to third parties, whether it is requested to be destroyed or viewed, and etc. When the storage period is expired, video information will permanently be destroyed in a way that it cannot be restored (if it is printed, it will be shredded or incinerated.
Storage period: Maximum 7 months from when it is recorded
Storage place: Han & Park Law Group Seoul Office
Article 5 (Video information checking method and place
Processing methods: Han & Park records and manages matters concerning whether the video information is used beyond its purpose, whether it is provided to third parties, whether it is requested to be destroyed or viewed, and etc. When the storage period is expired, video information will permanently be destroyed in a way that it cannot be restored (if it is printed, it will be shredded or incinerated.
Video information checking methods and place: To check video information, one will contact video information administration manager first and then visit Han & Park Law Group Seoul Office.
Article 6 Measures regarding the information subject’s request, such as viewing video information
1. The subject of information can request viewing and confirming its existence regarding personal video information. But the personal video information that the subject can request viewing is limited to information that the subject is recorded. Also, the video information can be viewed only when the video information is explicitly necessary for urgent life, body, and property benefits of the subject.
2. When the subject of personal video information requests viewing and other measures, the subject needs to submit installed place of the video information processing device, recording time of video information, the purpose of and reason for the requests, and etc. in a written document. Han & Park needs to receive the subject’s ID card, such as resident registration certificate, driver’s license, passport, and etc. in order to check whether the requester is the subject or a legal representative of the subject.
3. In the process of taking a measure concerning video information(for example, viewing it), when the video information possibly invade a privacy of others who do not make a request concerning video information, Han & Park needs to take a protective measure for them so that they cannot be noticed.
4. Han & Park can refuse the request of the subject of the video information ① if the storage period of the information is expired so destroyed or ② if there is just reason to refuse the request. In this case, the office should notify the reason for refusal within 10 days in a written form or other forms.
5. If it approves or refuses the request regarding video information, Han & Park records and manages ① name and contact of the subject of video information who made a request, ② the title and contents of personal video information file that the subject requested, ③ the purpose of the request, ④ the concrete reason for refusing the request, if it was refused, ⑤ the reason for providing copies of the video information if Han & Park provided copies to the subject.
Article 7 (Administrative, technical, and physical measures to protect video information)
1. Han & Park establishes and enforces internal administration plan to securely process personal video information.
2. Han & Park gives those who are in charge an access right to the personal video information minimally and differentially to conduct tasks. Han & Park blocks those without the right from accessing the video information.
3. When sending personal video information, Han & Park encrypts the information. When it saves personal video information, Han & Park takes necessary measures to securely save and send personal video information, such as setting up passwords for the video information file.
4. If it checks the recording date and time of the personal video information or views the video information, Han & Park records and manages the purpose of viewing, the viewer, time and etc. Han & Park takes measures to prevent forgery or modulation of these.
5. Han & Park should store the personal video information in a secure place with a locking device.
Article 8 (Other information necessary to the installation and operating of video information processing device
1. Han & Park does not collect personal video information without the agreement of the subject of the information, use it outside of its purpose, or provide it to third parties. But, if Han & Park collects and uses the information outside of its purpose according to the related laws, such as the personal information protection law, it records and manages the followings: ① the name of the personal video information file, ② the name of the user or receiver of the information, ③ the purpose of using or providing the information, ④ the legal reason for using or providing the information, if there is, ⑤ the period of using and providing the information, if there is ⑥ the format of using and providing the information.
2. When destroying the personal video information, Han & Park records and manages the followings: ① the name of the information to be destroyed ② the destroying date of the information (In the case of automatic delete according to the automatic delete time that was set up before, the automatic delete cycle and whether the automatic delete is completed), ③ the information destruction manager.
3. Han & Park installs a notice board to easily recognize that the video information processing device was installed and is in operation. But if multiple devices are installed, Han & Park can install a notice board stating the entire area is the place with video information processing devices at a well-noticeable place, such as, in front of the entrance.
Article 9 (Change in video Information Processing Device Operating and management Policy)
Han & Park’s video information processing device operating and management policy can be changed according to related laws, guidelines, and the office’s internal regulation. When this policy is changed, it will be announced in a way that the related laws determined.
Administrative Measures : establishment and enforcement of an internal administrative plan, regular personal information protection education for members, and etc.
Technical Measures : management of an access right to personal information processing system, installation of access control system, encryption of unique identification information, installation of security program, and etc.
Physical Measures : access control to personal information storage, such as data storage.